Meet Stephanie Menji
Ever since I was a child, I had a yearning to express my creativity. At a young age, I was introduced to the world of Contemporary Art and my outlook of what art was changed forever. I was completely hooked by the conceptual ideas that art could represent, the political statements art could make, and the way the “art of today” set a precedent for our culture. My obsession for the fine art world eventually lead me to pursue an art degree in hopes of one day contributing to our culture. 

The only problem was that I had no idea what I was going to do with my art degree… I knew that getting represented by a gallery was the option everyone spoke about. Or better yet, I could work for a museum if “I didn’t make it big” but that was it. 

I had no idea how to make money, how to get into a gallery, how to promote myself, the list goes on and on. All I knew was that if I showed my work in a lot of shows maybe someone might want to buy it.

The constant criticism about “starving artists” and debates about “how being an artist is not a real career” were everywhere and I wanted to annihilate that stigma. I wanted to answer the question “how can artists make money and be respected like all the other careers?” 

Fast forward a few years and I’m suddenly working as the Head of Marketing for a company that licenses artists’ work for textiles. Business and creativity collided in my mind and I intensively learned about sales, social media, email marketing, advertising, you name it! I constantly thought to myself “Why don’t they teach this stuff in art school?!”

I consumed this information like my life depended on it. Despite being able to express my creativity in this position, I felt that it was my calling to share my knowledge of marketing and business with artists. These were the things I was never taught and I wanted to share them with every creative I knew!

In early 2018, I took the leap into entrepreneurship as an Art Business Mentor for artists. My mission is to help artists build confidence when it comes to representing their work and starting their own creative businesses. Through interactive online programs and one to one coaching, my goal is to teach creatives how to market their work, build connections via digital media, and build a successful business where they can make profits from their art.

If you’re ready to upgrade your art career, click below to watch the free training for artists. Trust me, it’s going to be one of the most valuable 15 minutes of your day!

Click below to learn the secrets most successful artists follow.